Thursday, July 17, 2008

Garage Sales

Do you like going to garage sales? I do! I like to look at the ads on Thursday and Friday (these are my favorite days to go) to see what people have listed. I don't go to every sale, but I chose a few here and there. I know some people go to every sale listed. I used to pick up great clothing for the kids at sales, but now they're "too cool" for garage sale clothes LOL! I mainly go just for the fun of it now and rarely come home with anything; maybe a book or two. But hey, it gets me out of the house and I can pretend I'm shopping at the mall. LOL!

I've noticed that people that are having the sale seem to be less friendly this year :( People don't say hello to you when you walk into their "shop". Sad :( It's bad, but sometimes even if I do see something at their "shop" I won't buy because of that. When I have a sale, I make sure to speak to every person simply because I'm not rude.

Did you hit any sales recently and find a great item? What did you find?


Lynnise said...

Oh definitely! my boys would be NAKED without them LOL. especially this year- Samuel and Spencer actually LOVE to go with me they'll wake up at 6am on Sat. and tootle on along with me, so much fun and we always end the day with breakfast which is a special time since it's only the 2 of them:)

I love your new blog, Leslie!! I'll be adding it to mine here in a sec. HUGS!

BabyBokChoy said...

I love your new blog Leslie, awesome you got started, I look forward to reading your stuff and looking at your pages :)

Patti Smith said...

Great job with the blog is so much fun to read everyone's...I have become addicted to blogs!!! I have added you to my list girl....((HUGS))